WP3 – Relaxometry for biomedicine

Objectives: Characterization and optimization of nanoparticles and nanomaterials for diagnostic medicine and theranostics. Relaxometry of human tissues for medical imaging.

Task 3.1. Paramagnetic molecules and nanoparticles for MRI – (UNIFI and CIRMMP) relaxation analysis of paramagnetic nanosystems, with gadolinium(III) or manganese(II) complexes encapsulated into confined matrices; (UMONS) evaluation of the efficiency of Mn-complexes grafted at the surface of silica nanoparticles or encapsulated inside these nanoparticles; (BRACCO) exploitation of proton exchange processes in Gd(III)-complexes formed with DOTP and its derivatives (with no water molecules coordinated to the lanthanide ion).

Task 3.2. Relaxometric characterization of proteins and tissues – (ABDN) joint relaxometry and in-vivo whole-body imaging of human tissue samples and analysis toward improved relaxation models and advanced phantoms for imaging; (ABDN and ENS) high-resolution relaxometry on biological samples using proton and heteronuclei to determine the biological structures responsible for the main relaxation pathways in living tissues.

Task 3.3. High resolution relaxometry – (ENS) Phosphorus-31 high-resolution FC relaxometry for the study of very large supramolecular assemblies, like phosphorus-containing metabolites and lipids; (UMONS and ENS) relaxometric study of nanosystems in cell cultures to evaluate more thoroughly their efficacy as MRI contrast agent.




Funded by the European Union
Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN)

Project details:
Starting date: 1 March 2023
Duration: 4 years
Grant Agreement: 101072758
Budget: € 2 601 108.00

